Manuale di agopuntura cinese

Paolo Mantegazza, Stampa Medica Roma

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Energetica dei sistemi viventi

Maurice Mussat, Marrapese Editore, 1984

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Fluid physiology and pathology in traditional chinese medicine

Steven Clavey, Churchill Livingstone, 1995

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Five Elements and ten stems

Kiiko Matsumoto and Stephen Birch, Paradigm Publications, 1983

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Aforismi e giuramento

Ippocrate, Traduzione di Marco Tullio Malato, Tascabili Economici Newton, 1994

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Come consultare I KING per predire il futuro

Da Liu, Ubaldini Editore, 1976

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Atlas of tuina manipulations

Zhu Qizhong, Shanghai Scientific & Publisherseditor, 1991

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Acupressure therapy

Wang Zhao-Pu, Churchill Livingstone, 1991

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Atlas of theraputic motion for treatment and health

Sun Shuchun, Foreign Languages Press, 1989

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Chinese Qigong

Zhang Enqin, House of Shanghai College of TCM

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Dell’arte di nutrire la vita, gli esercizi del palo eretto

Wang Xuenjie, J. Moffet, Qi Gong, So Wen, Jaca Book, Milano, 1994

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Chinese foods for longevity, the art of long life

Henry C. Lu, Sterling Publishinng Co., 1990

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Prince wen hui’s cook, Chinese dietary therapy

Bob Flaws and Honora Wolfe, Paradigm Publications, 1983

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Chinese medical herbology and pharmacology

John K. Chen, Tina T. Chen, Art of Medicine Press, 2004

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Chinese herbal medicine, Materia medica

Dan Bensky and Andrew Gamble, Eastland Press, 1993

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Agopuntura classica – I volume

Ulderico Lanza, 1976

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Agopunti, Guida pratica in agopuntura, moxibustione, coppettazione, guasha e massaggio

Chris jarmey, Ilaria Bouratinos, Edi-Ermes,  2010

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Zang fu, the organ systems of traditional chinese medicine

Jeremy Ross, Churchill Livingstone, 1988

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Hoang ti nei king so ouenn (Huangdi Neijing Suwen)

Nguyen Patrick, Nguyen Van Nghi, Tomo III, IPSA Editore, 1997

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La filosofia cinese

Max Kaltenmark, Xenia Edizioni, 1994

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L’umore, l’onore, l’orrore

Simon Leys, Saggi sulla Cina, Editrice Irradiazioni, 2004

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Atlas of manipolative techniques for the cranium & face

Alain Gehin, Eastland Press, 1985

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